Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton

Supporters' Messages

Hi, I was a season ticket holder at BWFC for twenty years before emigrating to Switzerland on retirement. I was an academic and conducted some research into Supporters’ Trusts and SD, so I know something about them. Obviously I cannot attend your inaugural meeting on Wednesday but I would like to offer any help within my capability and to be kept informed of developments. At the very least I would be interested in joining a Trust.
Good afternoon all,
Just a quick message of support for the upcoming meeting It’s great to see this amidst all the doom and gloom at our beloved club, Sadly I will not be able to attend as I no longer live in the area, but hope to be able to stream it so can see what happens, If there is any possibility of joining the trust but in a none active way due to where I now live, please would it be at all possible to let me have the details to look at? So, I truly hope that the meeting yields some good news for once in this troubling time that we are in. Wishing you all the best!
Everyone who is a supporter please JOIN NOW, and encourage friends, lapsed fans to do so always. Forgive the unfortunate analogy but UNITED WE STAND. Make sure we have a voice.
I am long standing supporter and season ticket holder of around 45 years and would like to add my voice to the process and maintain contact. Unfortunately I live in the West Midlands but would appreciate if I could be kept informed .
Hi. I live down in Atlesbury Bucks so don’t really know what I can do to help but keep me informed and if there is anything I can help with, I will. I’m an IT project manager by profession although probably not much of a match for a supporters trust! Anyhow, good luck with the kick off meeting. Just wish I could be there.
The time has come for a different approach. I’m in. Once in NEVER out. Please keep me updated if possible!
Hi I’ve just found out about you from Twitter and strongly believe a fans buy out of our club (using the Portsmouth model) is our best way forward. I am exiled in Swindon, Wiltshire where I run my own small training company so any practical support would have to be provided remotely however I do have business skills that you may find useful and I would be happy to help where I can.
Living in Northampton means traveling and sometimes a hotel stay. For midweek matches I can usually rearrange my work diary to give the necessary early finish and Kate start the following day and book the premier inn at the cheaper rate if I do it far enough ahead. Unfortunately due to the holidays, I cannot rearrange the work diary to attend your meeting. I’m a bit sad as I rarely miss any games but the timing is against me. Please take this email as showing my complete support for the establishment of a trust and if you think of any way I can assist in future do not hesitate to contact me.
Living in London I can’t be there on Wednesday night but this is just what BWFC needs – a clear recognisable voice for the supporters by the supporters. Good luck on Wednesday night and I will stay updated whenever I can.
I live in London so can’t attend the meeting but I think a supporters trusts should be the first step in bringing a game that is so far detached from its fans, back to them. It would be nice to go to the Macron and actually feel like part of the club rather than just a cash cow.
My voice of support comes all the way from Serbia, keep the faith alive lads and lasses.
Great to see what you people are doing. I live in France so can´t be at any of the meetings but will give my support from afar. Good luck!
Every Bolton fan needs to sign up to try and save our great club! A supporters trust is a no brainer. Even if a buyer comes in we need to make sure this embarrassing sorry mess never ever happens again! #bwfc
Bolton Wanderers Supporters' Trust

Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton BL6 6JW
Bolton Wanderers Supporters Society Limited: FCA Registration Number 7270


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