Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton


Update from the BWFCST Board

Update from the BWFCST Board

It’s certainly starting to feel like plans for the 2020/21 season are developing, with the appointment of Ian Evatt as Head Coach, the return of Ali Crawford and the signing of Eoin Doyle.

With developments on the pitch starting to form, we know only too well how important matters off the pitch are for all of us as fans. Season ticket pricing and plans for refunds from the 2019/20 season are high on the list of priorities. We’ve continued to exchange messages with the club through the change in FV’s leadership and we now understand that a communication from the club on ticketing strategy is imminent. 

You have also told us previously that you want to see evidence of structured dialogue with the club and we are working with some of the senior officials on how we might start to collaborate and give fans a real voice with the new team.

It is expected that there will be confirmation from the EFL in the very near future about a start date for the new season and also a directive on when and how supporters will be able to attend games. Once these details are available, this is where we are looking to work with the club on various initiatives which we are currently exploring in order to build some stability into the future of our club.

On the very subject of the new season and return to football, members of our Board took part in an FSA virtual meeting earlier this week to discuss, along with many other trusts, the drafting of an EFL Fans Charter. Some interesting ideas were exchanged and as soon as the FSA have completed the Charter and issue for circulation, we will be able to update further.

For the new BWFCST board, it’s important that dialogue is visible with all our Trust members too. Had COVID-19 not changed so much of day-to-day lives in recent months, we’d have held our AGM in the usual way. We chose to wait, in the hope we could come together face to face. Obviously that hasn’t been possible and it’s important that we should make plans to hold our AGM virtually as soon as we can. Zoom is an obvious option but will mean some limitations on member attendance. We are currently working that detail through and will be in touch with further information, including a meeting date and time, in the near future.

We will need your input for the AGM and the new Board are keen to receive any motions to be considered at that meeting. If there are BWFC-related matters that are important to you, please forward details to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , but we will be shortly making a formal request to members for submission of motions in line with our AGM process.

One of the motions the Board are considering putting forward at the AGM is to reinstate the BWFCST annual £10.00 membership subscription. You will remember that some while ago we gave members the choice to either join the Trust with a one-off joining fee or to maintain their annual subscription and while some members have continued to subscribe annually, we know only too well how perilous the financial landscape is in football right now and continuing support for the Trust is essential to our very existence. Independent supporters’ trusts are being looked to more and more to work with their clubs to ensure everyone comes together for the good of football and especially, in our case, for the good of BWFC.

We will keep members informed of further developments – in the meantime, please stay safe, stand up and be proud!

BWFCST Board                                                                                                                                     15 July 2020

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Bolton Wanderers Supporters' Trust

Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton BL6 6JW
Bolton Wanderers Supporters Society Limited: FCA Registration Number 7270


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