Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton


Addressing Members Queries

Addressing Members Queries

Since publication of the Supporters Trust accounts for YE 31 July '17 on 18 July '18, we have received a few queries about the resources expended item for the previous financial year (2016). This item relates to the Legends Game which took place in May '16. To clarify matters, we would confirm the following:

Outgoings for the Legends Game showing in the previous financial year's accounts (2016) are the direct costs associated with organising and running the game and the evening event. We shared these costs, which amounted to £21.9k, on a 50-50 basis with the Community Trust, hence our 50% contribution of £10.9k.

This sum covered the following costs:

- First Aid & Paramedic

- Stewarding

- Matchday Announcer

- Kit for both teams

- Marketing

- Hotel & Catering Costs (match catering + evening catering)

- Evening Entertainment (including hire of stage and PA systems).

It should be further noted that between the Supporters Trust and the Community Trust, we covered all the costs for the game (over 10k attendance) and the evening event (including all costs for catering). This money was deducted from the ticket monies taken by the club before it was paid over to the Community Trust prior to sharing 50-50 with ourselves.

The actual profit generated by the Legends Game resulted in an incoming resource of £40.7k for the Supporters Trust (same for the Community Trust) which is contained in the figure of £72,874 as noted in the accounts for 2016.

The profit from the Legends Game, along with some welcome sponsorship negotiated by the trust, has enabled us to function over the last 2 years without actually spending any of the members subscription fees.

We would also advise that the figure of £850 noted in the 2017 accounts under the Player of the Year Dinner was for the table of 10 that was provided for Supporters Trust members and allocated on a random draw basis.

Additionally, we would confirm that our independently examined accounts for YE 31 July '16 were filed with the FCA in March 2017 and have been publicly available since that time.

We hope that this clarifies matters.

If there are any further queries please get in touch with us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Bolton Wanderers Supporters' Trust

Toughsheet Community Stadium, Burnden Way, Bolton BL6 6JW
Bolton Wanderers Supporters Society Limited: FCA Registration Number 7270


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